Your Global Partnership implementing the Transformational Safety Culture & Leadership frameworks throughout organizations world wide.
Do you want your organization to lead the world in providing state-of-the art safety technologies.
If you do, then you owe it to yourself to reach out and explore how global Safety Psychologist – David G Broadbent can make a difference.

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It was a pleasure to share a platform with David as he facilitated and managed discussions in his leading role at the 2018 Asian HSE excellence conference. David is a rare talent, his skills help us understand how people think, and why. He seamlessly is able to show you how to apply this in practical leadership situations. I believe this is something of huge value to any and every organisation, regardless of industry. David switched lights on in my head, by putting years of his hard won experience into easy learning packages. I am sure if you speak with David, you can accelerate your organisational learning by a decade at least. Thanks David!

Here is a Safety Guy you can absolutely rely on….
David G Broadbent is one of the World’s foremost speakers on Safety Culture and Safety Leadership and how these things fundamentally affect our workplaces.
In 2004 David was asked to offer his thinking about leadership practices and their effects on workplace health and safety at the International Congress of Psychology in Beijing, China. It was after that presentation that he was asked to further develop his thinking and he created the globally recognized Transformational Safety® Leadership Survey.
He has also presented the Keynote Address, and other presentations, at numerous national and international corporate conventions. He is highly sought after globally as someone who can make the complex simple, and do so with a sense of “fun”.

Disaster Preparedness
Learning from Disaster is the most powerful and influential strategy you can apply. Piper Alpha, Challenger, Texas City, Deepwater Horizon…..Allow the sacrifice of so many to inform your future.

Understanding Risk
Risk is arguably the most misunderstood word in any language. We are infected by confirmation bias daily. We are mistaken thinking it’s “all good”. You need to enter the Risk Room today!

Trauma Recovery
Trauma comes in many forms. Workplace fatalities, mass casualty events, COVID19, etc. Are you prepared to survive these exposures? If not, then you’re in for a world of hurt.

Take a Second Look
Human error surrounds us almost every moment of our lives. We rarely see it. If you want to reduce the “bad stuff” happening then you need to truly understand where it comes from.

Psychological Safety
Google tried to prove that Leadership was over-rated. To their credit when their own research program proved them wrong – they ‘fessed up. Ignore the power of Psychological Safety at your peril.

Stress Inocculation
Stress is the silent killer lurking throughout our organizations. The Stress Inoculation Program provides key skill-sets to minimsie the damaage and assist individuals and organizations thrive.

For over twenty years now almost all investigations into major accidents have determined that a failed safety culture has been amongst the most significant contributors to the disaster occurring. Just some examples where this has been the case are the BP Texas City refinery explosion (15 deaths), the Deep-water Horizon rig explosion (11 deaths), the Upper Big Branch mining disaster (29 deaths), the Pike River explosion (29 deaths), the Santiago de Compostela train crash (79 deaths), the Soma mine disaster (301 deaths), and numerous others.
In all of these accidents failed Safety Culture is described as the key culprit. At the same time very little is discussed with regard to methods/strategies that the business can put in place to even gain an understanding as to what the current Safety Culture even looks like. More recently major disaster investigations have pointed not only to a failed safety culture; they have also identified the need for any safety culture to also be able to demonstrate resilience. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada, when investigating the Lac-Mégantic runaway train derailment, concluded :-
“…..The cornerstone of a truly functioning Safety Management System (SMS) is an effective safety culture”, and notes that “an effective safety culture is one where past experience is not taken as a guarantee of future success and organisations are designed to be resilient in the face of unplanned events.”
TransformationalSafety has developed a program which powerfully partners with participants towards a scientific understanding of Safety Culture, how to give it a “face”, what needs to happen to encourage/develop resilience, and then how to design intervention strategies that are clearly targeted towards developing an environment that maximises the opportunities for positive and resilient safety culture development. We draw upon the watershed thinking of Karl Weick, Kathlees Sutcliffe, Eric Hollnagel, and many others.
The ultimate goal is a Safety Culture that functions to minimise the “bad stuff” happening, whilst at the same time having adaptive technologies in place to maximise resilience and a return to healthy functioning.

Leading the way toward best-in-class safety performance…..
The SAFE-T-LEADER© program is the worlds foremost safety leadership development program that leverages the principles of Full Range Leadership. The only leadership framework that has been shown to have a repeatable positive influence on safety metrics – right down to number of injuries.

That’s our DNA

World class technical safety consultants who provide a unique lens of understanding to the safety world.

Using our wireless technologies we can turn a safety analysis into an influential intervention.

Provision of keynote addresses, masterclasses, symposia and applied workshops.

Professional state-of-the art training and development that shall positively influence safety decision making throughout the organization.
About us
Who we are
Transformational Safety had its beginnings during a Best Practice Conference held by the Transfield Worley organization. This was during 2004 in Adelaide – South Australia.
As part of the “deal” for Transfield Services to sponsor David G Broadbent’s presentation at the International Congress of Psychology in Beijing – China later that year, a “song n dance” was requested.
At the conclusion of David’s “song n dance” a senior leader from Worley Parsons cornered David and offered up a very humbling comment that has never been forgotten.
“David, that presentation was an oasis surrounded by a desert of engineering” – a bit harsh on the rest of the speakers.
The path to Transformational Safety began that day and was further cemented later that year in Beijing.
#1 safety & health consultancy
Why Choose Transformational Safety

150% Focus on "getting things right"

Our very DNA is about "making things safe"

Our military background ensures we understand "mission and risk"

We shall do all that we can to keep your "planes in the air" - with no mishaps.
What our clients say

I have never seen anyone make the Swiss Cheese Model make so much sense. David seemed to do it with ease – and to think he thought that up himself. This guy has to be a world leader when it comes to talking about Safety. Thankyou for coming to South Africa.

I have been working in Safety for many years. I would not have thought it possible. This is the first time that anyone has made real-sense of the complexities of accident causation for me. Thankyou David. I for one am grateful you made the trip. Until next time.

I was in a room with David Broadbent in Cairo when he presented the ‘Take a Second Look’ program to a few hundred people. If I had not seen it, I would not have believed it – truly scary. In minutes David had us make the simplest of errors. You opened my eyes Dawood, Thankyou

We have operations all over the World. David showed us the power of safety leadership within such diverse cultures as India, China, South Africa, Australia – the list just goes on. We now know what we need to do! The challenge is going to be getting there….. Thanks David.

David was without doubt the most sincere safety guy I have ever had the chance to listen to. His wide experience within many countries gave us an insight into Safety in so many places. I would love to see David consulting inside our company. I know we would all learn so much.

“I have seen David work a room of a thousand, along with a site labouring team at a sewerage treatment plant. Both times you can see the ‘understanding’ light up people’s faces. Don’t know how he does it – but I’ll be there every chance I get.

Transformational Safety is unique in the world of Safety. We travel to you for FREE. Yes, you read that correctly. Book a Transformational Safety Two Day Workshop and we shall come to the nearest international port of entry at our expense.
So book the Creating a Resilient Safety Workshop, Drift toward Disaster MasterClass, The Take a Second Look Think-Shop, and tell us you booked after seeing this offer and the skies the limit.
Just some of the global organizations we have supported….