Safety College


What our clients have to say about David G Broadbent

David G Broadbent

Here are a selection of testimonials that people have been gracious enough to share. We have been, and continue to be, humbled by these words. 

BTW If you would like to read what Trustpilot says about the value of Testimonials and Reviews just click here.

Here is quick way to jump back to read about David’s personal history. Just click here.

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Vince, Johannesburg

5 star service

David is a Safety Professional who has extensive practical experience and a deep understanding of how to manage and implement the psychological side of Safety. He is passionate about his vocation and spends extensive time on sites working with the people who deal with SHE issues daily. His methodologies and interaction with site teams during implementation helps to instil the correct behaviours and acceptance of changed system processes.

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Sanjay, Mumbai

5 star service

When I was told that the day was being ‘taken’ by an Australian safety guy, and he was speaking about ‘safety culture’ in India I was sceptical at best. How wrong was I! David’s breadth of knowledge was amazing. I have a lot to think about. We even gave him an Indian name. Thankyou.

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Cheng, Singapore

5 star service

“I attended David’s safety culture seminar. It is one of the most powerfully influencing days of the last decade for me. Culture is just so much more powerful than I ever imagined and David makes it make sense. Not only that; he shows you what you can do to turn your culture around.”

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Harper, Atlanta

5 star service

Transformational Safety Leadership! I finally understand how this leadership stuff works. We shall be having David work with our senior leadership team on this! The world is a small place. Get ready to spend more time on a plane David. We want you in the US.

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Andrew, Sydney

5 star service

“David’s abilty to make sense of behavioural safety was out of this world. In the past we have had issues with the unions when we looked at BBS. David’s SAFE-T-SOS system worked like a charm – and has the full backing of the unions. Way to go David

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Chip, Los Angeles

5 star service

This was a program that they had to drag me to! What do I need to know about safety leadership – I’ve been doing it for years. I have gained more in two days than the last five years. David’s description of ‘pinball leadership’ explained what we have been doing for decades. When’s the next session? I’m camping out! 

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Peter, Perth

5 star service

When I heard we had to do a 360 I was dead against it. The TSL-360 was something different. It was actually useful. I never truly realized the real world impacts of my leadership behaviours. Senior leaders really can gain value from a ‘leadership coach’. David gave me a lens of understanding I would  never have found myself – and he did so with equal measures of senstivity and wisdom. No doubt I was a hard nut to crack. Consider it done –  Transformational Safety Leadership for me….

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Neil, Durban

5 star service

There is a wealth of knowledge and understanding that David brings to the session. His many years in safety and psychology has given him deep insight into what really matters when it comes to creating an effective safety culture and disconnecting safety from the realm of mindless bureaucracy.

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