The SAFE-T-NET Technologies Implementation
The implementation of The SAFE-T-NET© Technologies within the business is a partnership in the true sense of the word. Whilst Transformational Safety® has world leading expertise in the development and integration of polices and procedures; we do so only with the close involvement of the client workforce. Our experience has resulted in the strong belief that if a Client just imports a pre-existing document, or system, without ensuring the “buy in” or “engageent” of the current workforce it is highly unlikely that the System shall gain much momentum at all. It is for this reason that we customise all interventions, documents, etc to the specific needs of the workforce; and closely involve these same workforces in any developments.
Yes the Investment required may be a little more than “buying the book off the shelf”. The difference here is that in most cases the Book stays on the shelf. In other words you have a nice procedure sitting on a shelf that has no psycho-behavioural integrity within the business. In short it is “collecting dust”. You will not see any significant safety improvement at all.
Implementing The SAFE-T-NET Technologies is an evolutionary partnership which visibly builds momentum via the thorough Needs Assessment which commences all Transformational Safety® interventions. If we believe the business is not “ready” for the SAFE-T-NET Technologies we shall say so; and develop an Implementation Program that ensures that the desired outcome is achieved.
If you want a Safety System that has the potential to engage with your workforce in a structured, yet creative manner, then you really need to be giving real consideration to implementing The SAFE-T-NET Technologies within your business.
If you would like to take a look at the history of the SAFE-T-NET Technologies just click here.
If you would like to take a look at Perillon’s take on safety engagement click here.
“…we think in the language and metaphor of our shared history. For safety communication to be succesful it must actively respect that history….”

Ganesh, Ahmedabad
“We implemented the SAFE-T-NET within our operations throughout India. They worked really well. The people really appreciated that everything was not just in English or Hindi. Many of our workers only have basics of those languages. At our site the regional language is Gujarati and that’s what our safety training is in now. SAFE-T-NET is a great program – and our sales force carries the CD version in their bag – again with all out site langauges embedded in it.”